Protect Military Bases In Saudi Arabia, UK Holds Giraffe Radar And Self Propelled Stormer HVM

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Protect Military Bases In Saudi Arabia, UK Holds Giraffe Radar And Self Propelled Stormer HVM

So far, most of the public are more aware that in Saudi Arabia there is a US military base site, but the fact is that it is not only the US that has placed its military power in the Land of King Salman. Exactly the British military power has also been present for quite a long time in Saudi Arabia, even Britain has at least 15 military bases in Saudi Arabia.

Due to his strategic importance in the Oil-Rich Country, there was recently news that the British Secretary of Defense, Ben Wallace, would extend the operation of the Giraffe Agile Multi Beam (AMB) reconnaissance radar system. 

Quoted from (17/6/2022), that since February 2020 the UK has deployed two Giraffe radar units to reduce the continued threat facing British military assets in Saudi Arabia. "These radars should be sent home in December 2021, but the threat facing Saudi Arabia has not subsided," Wallace said.

Instead of withdrawing the Giraffe's radar, the British Ministry of Defense is rumored to be strengthening its hanud system in Saudi Arabia. 

Still from the same source, it is said that the British Hanud strength in Saudi Arabia will be gradually increased, namely by placing a number of SHORAD (Short Range Air Defense) Starstreak missiles.

The UK will send a Self Propelled Stormer HVM (High Velocity Missile). The Starsreak missiles on the Stormer HVM are housed in the launch turret at the rear. In one dome consists of eight Starstreak launchers, and carries a stock of 12 spare missiles.

Given the potential air threat facing Saudi Arabia is the attack of kamikaze drones from the Houthi militia, it is possible that the UK will deploy the Martlet Lightweight Multirole Missile (LMM) in the Self Propelled Stormer HVM configuration.

With a launch speed below Starstreak, which is 'only' Mach 1.5, the Martlet, which has a maximum firing range of 6 km and a minimum firing range of 400 meters, is seen as more effective and efficient at crushing drone targets, as was the case in the Ukrainian battlefield.

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