Philippines Officially Orders Two LPDs (Again) From PT PAL Indonesia

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Philippines Officially Orders Two LPDs (Again) From PT PAL Indonesia

After being satisfied with the quality of the two LPD (Landing Platform Dock) or SSV (Strategic Sealift Vessel) Tarlac Class units produced by PT PAL Indonesia, now there is good news coming from Manila, it is stated that the Philippine Department of Defense has officially ordered two more SSV units from PT. Indonesian PAL. 

Quoted from a press release received by (24/6/2022), a contract for the sale and purchase of LPD ships has been signed between PT PAL Indonesia and the Philippines Department of Defense.

The signing was carried out by PT PAL Indonesia's CMO Willgo Zainar with the Philippine Minister of Defense Delfin N. Lorenzana. This is the second time that PT PAL Indonesia has won the ASEAN market in exporting LPD warships to the Philippines.

After going through a series of processes for procuring two Landing Dock warships for the Philippine Navy, PT PAL Indonesia was officially selected as the provider of the Landing Dock project through a Notice of Award (NoA) from the Philippine Department of Defense, which was received on June 10, 2022.

The trust of PT PAL Indonesia in the procurement of 2 (two) units of Landing Dock warships by the Philippine Navy, due to the satisfaction of the Philippine Government and the Philippine Navy for the operation of 2 Landing Dock or Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) units which have been handed over by PT PAL several years then.

BRP Tarlac
BRP Tarlac

In addition to the satisfactory product quality, one of the Filipino delegates who was met during a visit to PT PAL Indonesia some time ago said he was satisfied with the after sales services provided by PT PAL Indonesia. In addition, PT PAL Indonesia has advantages in welding technology. 

One of them was realized through the joint section of the KRI Alugoro-405 submarine which received the Zero Defect predicate. The ship to be built in Surabaya is planned to have a length of 123 meters, a height of 21 meters, a weight of 7,200 tons and has a cruising endurance of 30 days. 

The procurement of the Landing Platform Dock (LPD) vessel this time accommodates the adjustment of the current needs of the Philippine military with minor changes to the ship's platform. Later this LPD ship is expected to be ready to serve up to sea state 6, as well as the capability to operate ship facilities at sea state 4.

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