Northrop Grumman Releases “Jackal” – Kamikaze Drone With Turbojet Engine

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Northrop Grumman Releases “Jackal” – Kamikaze Drone With Turbojet Engine

Like sugar there are ants, seeing the opportunity to use kamikaze drones (loitering munitions) in the Ukraine war, prompted manufacturers such as Northrop Grumman to participate in the development of new types of kamikaze drones. Labeled the Jackal, this kamikaze drone was first shown at the SOFIC (Special Operations Forces Industry Conference) exhibition in Tampa, Florida (16-19 May 2022).

Quoted from (6/6/2022), Northrop Grumman has revealed details about the Jackal, stating that this suicide drone was designed as a result of a collaboration between Northrop Grumman's Internal Research and Development (IRAD) with AeroVironment, the manufacturer of the Kamikaze Switchblade 300 drone and 600.

The Jackal was created to address the capability gap between propeller-driven kamikaze drone types and the tactical kinetic, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and electronic warfare (EW) requirements on long-range missions.

For this reason the Jackal is designed with turbojet power, which can be launched from an air or ground platform, where the Jackal is prepared to fly into the target area to engage directly or roam until the target is identified. The turbojet propulsion solution on the Jackal will develop at least a scorching speed of 483 km per hour.

A spokesman for Northrop Grumman revealed, "The current design of the Jackal is intended to fly 100km and endurance for at least 15 minutes." If the Jackal flies a shorter initial distance, it can be called a 'sprint' – where the drone will have a longer roam time. However, this concept can also be scaled for longer ranges, more than 185 Km.

Utilizing low-level flight parameters, with the ability to fly waypoints, the Jackal is designed to operate day or night and in adverse weather conditions, and to attack stationary or moving targets. The weapon system will be equipped with a sophisticated two-way data link. 

In the mockup shown at SOFIC 2022, it is shown that the Jackal has been equipped with an integrated dual electro-optic/infrared (EO/IR) sensor.

The total weight of the Jackal is not disclosed, but the payload is said to have a capacity of up to 4.5 kilograms, which can carry a warhead, electronic warfare (EW) suite, or intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance equipment.

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