Make a Surprise, Djibouti Showcases Bayraktar TB2 Combat Drone In Military Parade

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Make a Surprise, Djibouti Showcases Bayraktar TB2 Combat Drone In Military Parade

Djibouti, a country in East Africa known for being home to a Chinese military base, recently held a celebration of the 45th Anniversary of Independence on June 27, 2022. During the celebrations, it was also enlivened by parades and defense equipment defile.

 And what attracted the public's attention, it was discovered that Djibouti had the arrival of the latest combat asset, namely the combat drone (UCAV) produced by Turkey, the Bayraktar TB2.

Quoted from, it was stated that there were two Bayraktar TB2 units on display transported by flatbed trucks. It doesn't appear empty, one of the Bayraktar TB2 with the Djibouti Air Force logo (Force Aerienne du Djibouti) on its wings has two Roketsan MAM-L smart ammunition attached.

As a combatant drone, the Bayraktar TB2 can carry a variety of weaponry for surface attacks, such as MAM munitions, MAM-L and UMTAS missiles. From the specifications, the Bayraktar TB2 has a wingspan of 15 meters and a maximum weight at takeoff of 650 kg.

Although the procurement/sales and delivery of the Bayraktar TB2 has not been announced by either the Government of Djibouti or Turkey, even the presence of the Bayraktar TB2 does not appear in the satellite imagery of the Djibouti–Ambouli International Airport (the only base of operations for the Djibouti Air Force), however online flight tracking records that a The Ilyushin Il-76 heavy-lift cargo plane was operating between the two countries in early June, allegedly carrying the cargo of a Bayraktar TB2 drone.

Bayraktar TB2 is controlled via a Ground Control Station (GCS) with a NATO standard ACE-III mobile shelter unit. This module integrates the pilot, payload operator, and exploitation console via video imagery. One Bayraktar TB2 system consists of six drones, two GCS units, three ground data terminals (GDT), two remote video terminals (RVT) and ground support equipment.

Bayraktar TB2 is equipped with a triple redundant avionics system and an onboard avionics suite which includes include units, including microcontroller, engine control, servo motor power control, engine signal processing, I/O and GPS receiver units. 

Bayraktar TB2 Combat Drone
Bayraktar TB2 Combat Drone in Military Parde

Bayraktar TB2 can carry a payload of 55kg. Standard payload configurations include an electro-optical (EO) camera module, an infrared (IR) camera module, a laser guide, a laser range finder (LRF) and a laser pointer.

Indeed, there are similarities between Djibouti and Ukraine, namely both showing the presence of Bayraktar TB2 through military parades. For the first time, Ukraine showed Bayraktar TB2 in a military parade held to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence on August 24, 2021, when Bayraktar TB2 was transported on a trailer truck.

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