Lobaev Arms From Russia Shows Three Types Of Sniper Rifles For Elite Troops

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Lobaev Arms From Russia Shows Three Types Of Sniper Rifles For Elite Troops

Some netizens generally know the Kalashnikov manufacturer as a Russian manufacturer of assault rifles and snipers. However, at the Belarus 2022 defense exhibition which will be held in Minsk, Belarus (22-25 June 2022), there is a name from a Russian manufacturer that specifically produces sniper rifles, namely Lobaev Arms. 

Quoted from a Rosoboronexport press release, there are at least three types of sniper rifles exhibited by Lobaev Arms.

The three types of rifles are the DVL-10 M1 Saboteur, DXL-3 Longstrike and DXL-4 Sevastopol. All three rifles are equipped with a system of demasking factors, such as the thermal signature – which is one of the most common problems on modern battlefields, flash silencer and fire suppression.

DVL-10 M1 Saboteur

The Saboteur is equipped with a carbon fiber tube with special winding technology and titanium presses which provide increased strength and survivability, leading to a longer barrel life. The DVL-10 M1 Saboteur with integrated titanium suppressor provides the characteristics to achieve high accuracy at subsonic firing ranges – 600 meters and at supersonic ranges up to 800 meters. The launch speed of this rifle projectile is 300 meters per second.

DVL-10 M1 Saboteur
DVL-10 M1 Saboteur

This rifle for elite troops and reconnaissance units can be easily configured for changing caliber types. Exactly three different calibers can work on one bolt thanks to changing the barrel for other types of calibers. 

The DVL-10 M1 Saboteur carries a caliber of 40 Lobaev Whisper\.308 Win (civil)\.338 Federal. There are two choices of magazines, namely those containing 5 and 10 bullets. The DVL-10 M1 Saboteur has an accuracy of 0.5 Minute of Arc (MoA).

From the specifications, the DVL-10 M1 Saboteur weighs 5750 grams, is 1180 mm long (barrel length 500 mm), and can operate in a temperature range of -35 to 55 degrees Celsius.

DXL-3 Longstrike

The philosophy of this rifle is to apply maximum range in a certain caliber (.338 LM, .300 WM). The DXL-3 is positioned to make accurate shots up to a maximum range of 1,800 meters, which is the highest on the market in the 0.338 LM caliber. Even at this range, the DXL-3 has an accuracy of 0.5 MoA.

DXL-3 Longstrike
DXL-3 Longstrike

From the specifications, the DXL-3 Longstrike weighs 7910 grams, is 1331 mm long (740 mm long), and can operate in a temperature range of -35 to 55 degrees Celsius. This rifle can launch projectiles at a speed of 900 meters per second. The magazine capacity consists of 5 bullets.

DXL-4 Sevastopol

The DXL-4 is designed to reach a firing range of 2,800 meters. The rifle has characteristics such as recoil that is barely noticeable, making this model unique in its kind. Carrying the .408 CT, .375 CT calibers, the DXL-4 can launch projectiles at a speed of 900 meters per second with an accuracy of 0.5 MoA.

DXL-4 Sevastopol
DXL-4 Sevastopol

From the specifications, the DXL-4 weighs 9100 grams, is 1500 mm long (820 mm long barrel), and can operate in a temperature range of -35 to 55 degrees Celsius. This rifle is equipped with a 5-round magazine capacity.

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