Kalashnikov Develops Anti Jamming Drone Navigation System, No Longer Using Satellite

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Kalashnikov Develops Anti Jamming Drone Navigation System, No Longer Using Satellite

Although details have not been disclosed, there is news that Russia is developing a new navigation system for drones that is independent of the satellite system. As is known, for drone operations beyond line of sight (BLoS), the control line via satellite is the priority. 

Although the control of the Russian drone does not use GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites, the control path via satellite is still vulnerable to the threat of jamming from electronic warfare.

Quoted from the Russian News Agency - Tass.com (3/6/2022), Russian drones will later get a new navigation system that is practically immune to electronic warfare. This project is the result of the work of one of the subsidiaries of Kalashnikov (Rostec Group). 

The new navigation system does not rely on a satellite system, but operates in a closed loop with no external source making the drone practically invulnerable to enemy electronic warfare systems.

In addition, this new type of navigation is claimed to be more accurate than the Inertial Navigation System (INS). Russia hopes the 'disappearance' of drones with new navigation systems can be reduced.

Last year, KRET holding, which is also part of Rostec, developed a new strapdown inertial navigation system that is able to determine the coordinates and parameters of drone movement without any landmarks. This system provides high positioning accuracy and is autonomous. Drones can determine the coordinate parameters and movement of an object even in the absence of land, sea or space orientation.

The implementation of drone orientation and location determination occurs relative to a certain trajectory or target, including a moving trajectory. The system is based on developments previously used only in the aircraft and helicopter industry. 

This navigation system provides identification, complex processing, flight data transmission and navigation by transmitting satellite and inertial information simultaneously through separate channels.

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