Interesting Facts About 'Top Gun', Born From A Vietnam War Dogfight And A Special Reason To Train In The Desert Sky

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Interesting Facts About “Top Gun”, Born From A Vietnam War Dogfight And A Special Reason To Train In The Desert Sky

"Top Gun: Maverick" is currently trending, young and old who like the world of defense equipment make this film a 'must' spectacle to quench the thirst for the sensation of the military aviation genre.

However, did you know that behind the big name of Top Gun, there is a long, winding history, where Top Gun has been imprinted as a school to train fighter pilots of the United States Navy since the Vietnam War era.

Far from the macho competition described by Tom Cruise, the 'real' Top Gun is a place for close communication and collaboration education between fighter pilots, with learning hours called 'endless'.

When it was first formed, this institution was not named Top Gun, but officially the United States Navy Fighter Weapons School which was founded in 1969. When it opened, this school of combat pilots had a popular slogan, humble, credible, approachable – a bit far from the impression depicted in the film.

By the time this fighter pilot school opened, the first facility for the Top Gun program was just a trailer in an airplane parking lot at an airbase. But the modest facility was not due to a lack of respect for the new program, but because of a desire to quickly get the best pilots with superior training, in the hope that US fighter pilots could become champions in the air war in Vietnam.

It is undeniable that the pilot education and training syllabus at Top Gun refers to the direct experience of US Navy pilots during the war in Southeast Asia. At Top Gun, they learn about strategic mistakes and try to make improvements.

Quoted from, based on the study at that time, the Top Gun program was maximized to train pilots in close combat skills (dogfight) which tended to decline due to dependence on technology in fighter aircraft. 

An internal US Navy report said US fighter pilots were often confused when there was a problem with air-to-air missiles, lack of skill in dogfights made many US fighter jets down in Vietnam. Departing from that condition, then comes Top Gun.

After the Vietnam War era, the focus on dogfight tactics and training remained, as active combat against the Soviet Union or its proxies remained a threat. However, in the early 1990s, when the Soviet Union collapsed, the US immediately reorganized its air power design. 

In one form of this in the mid-1990s, the Navy changed the official name of the combat aviator school to the United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor Program and began to include more ground attack training. Of course, despite the official name change, everyone still referred to him as Top Gun.

Regarding the location of the Top Gun, although US Navy pilots will predominantly operate on aircraft carriers and fly over the waters, the location of the Top Gun turns out to be in the high desert near Fallon, Nevada. According to the US Navy website. 

The area is perfect for advanced flight training because most of the land is wide and flat, the air in northern Nevada tends to be fresh and clear, and also because the population density in the area is not very dense.

The desert in Nevada was seen as fitting, as supersonic flight often caused many disturbing sonic booms. However, in historical records, the first location of the Top Gun school is said to be located in Miramar, California, which in 1996, the location was handed over to the Marine Corps (USMC).

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