In Ukrainian Hands, Mitsubishi Strada L200 4×4 Becomes Self Propelled MLRS

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In Ukrainian Hands, Mitsubishi Strada L200 4×4 Becomes Self Propelled MLRS

Because they lived under the same umbrella state (the Soviet Union), many things in Russian and Ukrainian defense equipment had similar designs and standards. 

In addition to conventional weaponry that we often see, apparently in terms of improvisation, there are similarities in taste between Russia and Ukraine. For example, in the use of civilian (rantis) vehicles fitted with MLRS (Multiple Launcher Rocket System) weapons.

Previously, the Russian company, ZASLON Science & Technology Center based in St. Petersburg, has launched the MLRS “Sel” which carries the UAZ-23602 4×4 cargo pickup vehicle platform. Well, both carrying the type of MLRS multi-barreled rocket S-8 caliber 80 mm, the Ukrainian troops apparently placed the MLRS in a Mitsubishi Strada L200 4×4 jeep.

From the post on the Twitter account @Osinttechnical, the Mitsubishi Strada L200 was first shown this fighter. It was not explained which military unit used this 4×4 MLRS rantis, but it was shown the firing of this rocket. While the shooting control console is made user friendly by placing the panel on the center backrest of the seat.

The S-8 MLRS is commonly deployed as an air-to-surface gun on helicopters and fighter aircraft. The range of the MLRS Cell rocket is up to 6 km, this means that this armed system includes weapons with a short range. 

From the specifications, the MLRS in this rantis has a barrel elevation angle ranging from -5 to a maximum of 55 degrees, while the azimuth rotation is 360 degrees. The MLRS system is enough to be operated by two personnel. The time required for firing, starting from the moment the vehicle arrives at the steering position is less than 5 minutes.

The S-8 officially entered production in 1984 with various types of warheads. Among the warheads offered include HEAT anti-armor, high-explosive fragmentation, smoke, and incendiary (incendiary) types.

Overview of the Mistsubishi Strada L200, adopting the 4D56 diesel engine with a capacity of 2.5 liters 4 cylinders in line with 16 valves. The L200 4×4 is equipped with a turbo intercooler with 100 HP at 4,200 RPM and 245 Nm of torque at 2,000 RPM. Despite the low output, this engine can compete with other cars in reaching speeds of 100 km per hour.

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