Excalibur Army Launches Morana 155/52mm – Self Propelled Howitzer In 8×8 Tatra Truck Platform

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Excalibur Army Launches Morana 155/52mm – Self Propelled Howitzer In 8×8 Tatra Truck Platform

Who is not familiar with Excalibur Army, a heavy weapons manufacturer from the Czech Republic who is a partner in supplying defense equipment for the Indonesian Navy's Armed Marine Corps, recently introduced its newest arsenal, labeled Morana, namely the self propelled howitzer (SPH) type 155/52 caliber. mm. Introduced at Eurosatory 2022, the Morana SPH is designed from Excalibur's experience when building the SPH Dana M1 and M2 in 152/37 mm caliber.

Unlike the previous SPH, Morana comes with a new concept that carries a dome with unmanned weapon superstructure technology that is mounted on the rear, not in the middle of the chassis, while Morana's powerpack is placed behind the cabin. 

The Morana SPH is manned by a driver, commander and operator seated in a four-door armored cab with NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4569 Level 2 mine and ballistic protection standards.

The main weapon is a 155/52 mm howitzer developed in collaboration with the Slovak company ZTS peciál. This weapon adopts a fully automatic loading system and a new automatic device to add a propellant load to the bullet, enabling a high rate of fire.

The Morana Dome adopts electro-hydraulic power which is controlled directly by the crew from the cab and has a trajectory of up to 60 degrees to the right and left of the vehicle's axle. An automated howitzer targeting system, onboard control and diagnostic systems, and a combat information system are available to the operator in the cab. As a protective weapon, at the top of the dome there is a remote control weapon station with a 12.7 mm caliber machine gun.

The Excalibur provides flexibility in its launch vehicle adoption, where the weapon superstructure is designed as a separate unit that can be integrated into various types of wheeled or wheeled chassis, all made possible thanks to an independent hydraulic system. For the units featured in Eurosatory 2022, the Morana SPH is integrated with the Tatra Force 8×8 truck chassis.

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