China's Type 003 Aircraft Carrier Coming Soon, Still Relying on Shenyang J-15 fighter jets

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China's Type 003 Aircraft Carrier Coming Soon, Still Relying on Shenyang J-15 fighter jets

From the satellite image taken by Planet Labs PBC on May 31, 2022, it appears that the construction of China's third aircraft carrier (Type 003) is nearing the final stage, where the full form of the non-nuclear carrier built by Jiangnan Shipyard north of Shanghai has shown its complete form.

Built since 2018, the latest satellite imagery indicates the Type 003 will soon be launched. However, is it true that the Type 003 aircraft carrier will be launched in the near future, some even say the Type 003 will be launched this month (June 2022) as well?

Quoting from the South China Morning Post –, initial information was that the Type 003 would be launched during the Dragon Boat Festival on June 3, 2022, but the planned launch was postponed due to unspecified reasons. Still from the same source, there are rumors that the launch of the Type 003 will be shifted to June 30, 2022.

An independent source close to the Chinese military said there could be technical problems related to the ship's construction, which is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology. 

However, satellite imagery released by CSIS in Washington revealed analysis that the dry dock where the ship is currently positioned, had been cleared from a shipbuilding project, and left an open path towards the Yangtze River. In fact, the latest satellite imagery taken today shows the pre-launch steps before the dry dock will be flooded with water.

Although the Type 003 aircraft carrier will be launched in the near future, the ship installation work will continue, and there is still a long way to go for sea trials, let alone talk about the carrier's combat readiness.

"The launch of the Type 003 only implies that the ship's construction work has been completed in dry dock, and it is expected to start the sea trial phase and installation of other equipment," said Lu Li Shih, a former instructor at the Taiwan Naval Academy. Another Beijing-based military analyst said no weapons, missile and radar systems were installed on the Type 003.

For the record, the Chinese Navy took six years from when its first aircraft carrier (Liaoning) was launched until the ship was able to achieve initial operational capability (IOC) in 2012. Meanwhile, China's second aircraft carrier (Shandong) was operated in 2019. , is still waiting for the IOC stage.

The Type 003 is China's next generation aircraft carrier, featuring more advanced technologies than the Liaoning and Shandong, including a launch system that adopts the EMALS (Advanced Electromagnetic Launch System) catapult and abandons the ski-jump launch model. 

Type 003 Aircraft Carrier
Type 003 Aircraft Carrier Design

Zhou Chennming, a military researcher from Yuan Wang in Beijing, said it would take at least five years to reach IOC readiness on the Type 003 and 10 years to reach full combat readiness.

Although it is predicted as a sea monster that can give a deterrent effect to Taiwan and Japan, but basically the Type 003 is a conventionally powered aircraft carrier with a weight in the range of 85,000 – 100,000 tons, or can be called the Type 003 equivalent to the retired US aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk. back in 2009.

Although China is known to be developing a stealth fighter jet that will operate on aircraft carriers (Shenyang J-35), it is believed that the ultimate weapon that can be released by the Type 003 is still the Shenyang J-15 Flying Shark fighter jet, which incidentally is also a mainstay on ships. parent Lioning and Shandong.

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