China's Navy Gears Up, Beijing Launches Third Carrier

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China's Navy Gears Up, Beijing Launches Third Carrier

The Chinese Navy is getting more and more teeth. In a short but lively ceremony, China on Friday (17/6) launched its third aircraft carrier under the name Fujian.

Citing the Global Times, the carrier launch took place at Jiangnan Shipyard, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited, which is based in Shanghai.

Weighing in at over 80,000 tons, the Fujian is equipped with an electromagnetic catapult and restraint device.

The launch coincided with the handing over of the Fujian aircraft carrier naming certificate to high-ranking officers.

Officials then cut the ribbon marking the launch of China's third aircraft carrier. After that, Fujian left the pier.

According to the approval of the Central Military Commission, China's third aircraft carrier was named: China People's Liberation Army Navy Ship Fujian with hull number 18.

Fujian is China's first fully domestically developed and built aircraft carrier with an electromagnetic catapult. The carrier has a flat and straight flight deck.

Fujian is the name of a province on the east coast of China that faces Taiwan directly. After launch, Fujian will begin mooring and sea trials.

Xu Qiliang, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the ceremony.

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