British Military Official Oays Russia Has Lost Strategically in Ukraine War

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British Military Official Oays Russia Has Lost Strategically in Ukraine War

Britain's Chief of Defense Staff, Admiral Tony Radakin, on Friday (17/6) said that currently Russia has lost strategically in the war in Ukraine. Russia is considered to have suffered heavy losses, on the other hand Ukraine is now increasingly being strengthened by NATO.

Admiral Radakin saw that Russia had made a terrible mistake. As a result, Russia is said to never control Ukraine.

"Their (Russian) power will diminish. Russia has lost strategically. NATO is stronger, Finland and Sweden want to join," Radakin told the British domestic Press Association news agency, as quoted by The Straits Times.

Furthermore, Radakin said Russian President Vladimir Putin could actually achieve tactical success in the coming weeks. However, they had already sacrificed a quarter of their army strength for a relatively small gain.

"Russia has a vulnerability because it's running out of people, it's running out of high-tech missiles. President Putin has used about 25 percent of his troop strength to gain a small amount of territory and 50,000 people have been killed or injured. Russia failed," Radakin continued.

Radakin, Britain's highest-ranking military officer, also paid tribute to the Ukrainians who had braved the battlefield. He vowed that Britain would provide long-term support to Ukraine with more weapons.

"We have provided anti-tank weapons, there are other elements that we provide and that will continue," he said.

Meanwhile, the Russian side on Thursday (16/6) warned against the presence of weapons supplies from Western countries to Ukraine. The warning came as French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi visited Kiev.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that arms support was completely useless and would cause further damage to the country.

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