Ukraine Receives 4×4 Alvis Mamba Armored Rantis, the Same Type Used by Kopassus

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Ukraine Receives 4×4 Alvis Mamba Armored Rantis, the Same Type Used by Kopassus

For the size of the armored armored with MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) capabilities, the Alvis Mamba 4×4 is unique, because the chassis of this rantis is relatively short, which makes the Mamba look cute.

And from the battlefield in Ukraine, which has not yet dimmed, there is news that the Mamba has also been deployed on the battlefield, precisely this 4×4 rantis was donated by Estonia to the Ukuraina military.

From the post on the Ukraine Weapons Tracker @UAWeapons Twitter account, it was stated that at least seven Mamba units were sent to Ukraine. And just like the Bushmaster 4×4 troop that was sent by Australia to Ukraine, Alvis Mamba is also known as one of the armored squadrons operated by the elite Sat-81/Gultor (Terror Countermeasures) unit, Kopassus TNI AD.

Qualified as an MRAP Rantis, Mamba is designed with complete protection from the effects of mine explosions. The Mamba uses a monocoque chassis and a 'V-shaped' shield underneath, created to withstand the effects of an IED (improvised exposive device) mine explosion of up to 7 kg intentionally installed along the way.

Mamba was designed precisely based on the needs of South Africa's military operations to deal with conflicts on the border that are full of landmines. Early variants of the Mamba were built by Mechmen Consultants, part of the Denel Group.

At first the Mamba still carried a 4×2 (two wheel drive) drive. New later on the Mamba MK2 developed by Reumech OMC, this rantis uses four wheel drive (4×4) and the armor layer has been increased by 7 mm stronger than the previous variant (MK1).

To simplify maintenance and spare parts availability, Mamba features the legendary Unimog truck chassis platform. Steel in the hull and glass, designed to withstand 5.56 and 7.62 mm caliber projectiles.

Mamba's configuration is no different from the typical Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) Rantis, the driver sits side by side with the commander, and behind him there are seat settings for nine troops. In the commander's position there is a roof hatch that can be connected to a machine gun mount or automatic grenade launcher.

Mamba MK2 SWB took part in the SFOR mission in Bosnia.

Not only the chassis that refers to the Unimog, speaking of the steering system and suspension, Mamba uses the Mercedes-Benz UNIMOG 416 (4×4) which is reliable in devouring off-road terrain. The front and rear axles are equipped with coil springs and hydraulic dampers.

As for the kitchen runway, the Mamba is powered by a Mercedes Benz 352N 6-cylinder diesel engine that produces 123 HP, so the vehicle can be driven up to a speed of 102 km per hour. The diesel engine uses a full four-speed synchromesh gearbox with high and low ranges, giving a total of eight forward and four reverse gears.

Mamba production has changed owners. Reumech OMC who worked on Mamba MK2, was later taken over by Vickers Defense Systems from England, and changed its name to Vickers OMC.

And at the end of 2002, Alvis PLC bought Vickers Defense Systems and Vickers OMC, which later changed its name to Alvis OMC. Finally in 2004, Alvis PLC was taken over by BAE Systems, and then Alvis OMC changed its name to BAE Systems Land Systems OMC.

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