Two French Rafale Fighter Jets Collide in the Air, This is the Part that Comes Off

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Two French Rafale Fighter Jets Collide in the Air, This is the Part that Comes Off

Two Rafale fighter jets belonging to the French Air Force from the Vautour Bravo Tactical Display Team 30th Fighter Wing collide mid-air during the Cognac air show in southwest France (23/5/2022). The two fighter jets just won the Silver Tiger award for best display at the 2022 NATO Tiger Meet in Araxos, Greece.

“The Rogue Spartan,” as the lead aircraft, also won the Best Tiger Aircraft award for its livery at the 2022 NATO Tiger Meet. “During the tactical aerial demonstration, the two Rafales came into contact with each other in the air,” said Colonel Nicolas Lyautey, commander of the 709 air base. 

Cognac-Châteaubernard where the air show takes place. "One of them lost a piece of its tail fin, and a component of the plane fell on the roof of a resident's house."

An image circulating on social media shows the top of the Rafale's vertical stabilizer coming off. This section is said to include several sensors from the SPECTRA Rafale electronic circuit, among which there is a missile launch detection system, a radar warning receiver whose optronic is visible. The Rafale component was found in The village of Gensac-la-Pallue, 9 kilometers (5.6 mi) east of Cognac.

— ABY (@Ansierra117) May 22, 2022

Other photos on social media showed that the left wingtip missile pylon and the wingman's right canard were damaged.

So far there has been no official confirmation from the French Air Force. Regardless, both pilots managed to land safely without any injuries. The French investigative bureau for the country's aviation safety (BEA-E) is opening an investigation to identify the cause of the incident.

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