South Korea Completes LIG Nex1 Tiger Shark Tor Torpedo Test

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South Korea Completes LIG Nex1 Tiger Shark Tor Torpedo Test

There is news from the Ginseng Country, the LIG Nex1 weapon manufacturer reported that it had completed the trial phase of the Tiger Shark heavy torpedo. This was officially announced by the Defense Agency for Technology and Quality (DTaQ) on May 17, which also implies that the stage of mass production of Tiger Shark torpedoes will begin soon to meet the needs of the South Korean Navy.

Quoted from (19/5/2022), Tiger Shark torpedo trials were carried out from the 1,800-ton KSS-II submarine and 3,000-ton KSS-III submarine, in March and May, respectively. Torpedoes were fired twice from each submarine, with all four tests reportedly successful.

The Tiger Shark is a type of torpedo with a fiber optic cable controller equipped with active and passive sonar devices that have wake-homing capabilities. Tiger Shark has sonar detection of more than 100 degrees for horizontal detection angle and 20 degrees for vertical detection capabilities.

For navigation support, Tiger Shark relies on a fiber optic inertial navigation system (INS).

LIG Nex1 states that the Tiger Shark is designed to carry out long-range attacks against submarine and surface ship targets. The design of the Tiger Shark is an extension of the previous type of heavy torpedo, the K731 White Shark.

As a torpedo at a caliber of 533 mm, the Tiger Shark has a length of 7.1 meters and a weight of 1.7 tons. Of the total weight, it includes the weight of the warhead which reaches 260 kg of the plastic-bonded explosive (PBX) type. The warhead on the Tiger Shark is triggered using magnetic influence and contact fuses.

Talking about speed, Tiger Shark can go up to 35 knots (equivalent to 64 km per hour). While the range of this torpedo reaches 30 km.

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