Russia's Rostec Shows Radar With Compact And Lightweight Design For Detecting Drones

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Russia's Rostec Shows Radar With Compact And Lightweight Design For Detecting Drones

When drone strikes are so massive in the war in Ukraine, it becomes an opportunity for the Russian defense industry to provide deterrence and detection systems.

Not infrequently, ambush cases from Ukrainian troops were successful thanks to the supply of coordinate information obtained from reconnaissance drones, which incidentally were small and minimally noisy, making it difficult for convoys to detect them.

Based on the above case, Roselectronics which is part of Rostec, has launched a multifunctional radar station, which is designed to detect small drones at a distance of more than 1000 meters, including at very low altitudes. This radar system was developed by the Rybinsk Instrument Plant.

Quoted from (21/5/2022), the operating principle of this new radar is based on the use of the Doppler effect (multi-channel Ka-band radar) and signal processing of moving objects or moving parts.

This portable radar has small dimensions, which are 325 × 240 × 230 mm. The operation of the radar can be controlled manually from a laptop or automatically.

Not wanting to depend on foreign components and spare parts, this radar device is made based on domestic elements. Designed for use with high mobility, this anti-drone radar weighs only about 5 kg and can be embedded into systems located on rantis/ranpur.

In addition to targeting drones, this radar system can be used to detect objects on the ground, where the radar can detect cars at a distance of more than 10 km.

According to Andrei Komogortsev, Director of Development at Rybinsk, the main task of this radar station is to search for small, low-flying aerial targets and other threats, for example, ground-based robotic systems.

The radar can simultaneously scan for up to 32 targets, as well as cooperate with other radar monitoring systems. It was not until May 20, 2022, that this radar system passed preliminary tests.

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