Learning From Combat Experience In Ukraine, Russia Modernizes 'Khibiny' Jammer Pod On Sukhoi Su-34

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Learning From Combat Experience In Ukraine, Russia Modernizes "Khibiny" Jammer Pod On Sukhoi Su-34

Based on the combat experience in Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to upgrade the capabilities of the electronic warfare device on the Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback fighter-bomber. The device in the form of a jammer pod is the Khibiny (L-175V) electronic countermeasures system (ECM). On the Su-34, the Khibiny is mounted on a wingtip and has become a standard feature attached to the Su-34 fleet.

Quoted from Topwar.ru (23/5/2022), the decision of the Russian Ministry of Defense is based on experience on the Ukrainian battlefield, where the Su-34 is one of the attacking elements deployed on the front lines. 

According to a source in the Russian defense industry, the decision was made to modernize the Khibiny which will later affect the automation of work, i.e. it can reduce the pilot's 'work' while operating this jamming device. As to when the modernization work will start and other details have not been reported.

The Khibiny ECM was developed by the Kaluga Research Radio Engineering Institute in 1977. The initial design was to create a unified set of jammer kits for all armed forces, whereas Kaluga Research's task was to develop the SIGINT (signals intelligence) equipment block “Proran” and radio jammer (RJ).

“Regatta”, which was successfully completed by scientific research in 1980. Then research continued with a new ECM, named “Khibiny”, which brought together all units, ensuring that all cooperated with the avionics of the jet aircraft.

Initially the Khibiny was far from ideal, because its weight and size parameters were not suitable for installation on a fighter jet. To solve this problem Kaluga Research is working with Sukhoi. Under the direction of Rollan G. Martirosov, then integrated ECM which was given the product code L-175V.

The Khibiny

The Khibiny began to be massively delivered to the Russian Air Force after 2010. As of 2017, all Su-34 frontline bombers have been equipped with the Khibiny ECM.

In 2019, the Ministry of Defense announced the start of service with the modernized Khibiny-2 electronic warfare system. In contrast to the base model, the Khibiny-2 has a wider area coverage and destruction work area, which makes it possible to double the aircraft's survivability during combat.

Khibiny's role is to protect aircraft from missiles by delaying detection of the aircraft itself; create fake targets; creates interference to make it difficult to measure the distance to an object, its velocity and angular position. In addition to being installed on the Su-34, the Khibiny can also be installed on the Sukhoi Su-30 and Su-35.

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