IRIS Shahid Mahdavi, Becomes Fourth Floating Base of Iran's Revolutionary Guard

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IRIS Shahid Mahdavi, Becomes Fourth Floating Base of Iran's Revolutionary Guard

Iran has a unique strategy in deploying forces in the Red Sea and the Strait of Hormuz, because it faces an 'unusual' opponent, the Land of the Mullahs seems to have an obsession with strengthening sea-basing bases. 

In a deployment like an aircraft carrier, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have now operated three sea-basing units derived from the conversion of commercial vessels. And there is the latest news, Iran's Revolutionary Guards are preparing the fourth sea bass from the conversion of container ships.

Quoted from (18/5/2022), the fourth sea base belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards is IRIS Shahid Mahdavi (110-3). From the post, it is known that Shahid Mahdavi is in the process of converting from a civilian ship to a military ship at the port of Bandar Abbas. 

In addition to the paint changes, Shahid Mahdavi also appears to be fitted with several air defense weapon consoles (hanud) in several corners. Shahid Mahdavi's IRIS modification is more focused on making large decks to accommodate helicopter operations

IRIS Shahid Mahdavi was previously named MV Savin. This Iranian-flagged container ship was previously named Sarita, Dandle, Twelfth Ocean and Iran Esfahan. The ship was built in 2000, has an overall length of 240.2 meters and a width of 32.2 meters. Based on analysis of satellite imagery, it appears that this ship has been outside the Bandar Abbas naval base since mid-2019. 

The ship is in its last place since March 2021. Based on analysis of satellite imagery, IRIS Shahid Mahdavi was brought to the shipyard in late January 2022.

IRIS Shahid Mahdavi has a relatively similar length to the IRIS Makran 441 – Iran's largest sea base, but in terms of tonnage, the IRIS Makran 441 is still the champion in the floating base segment, where the weight of the IRIS Makran 441 which is a former tanker reaches 106,000 tons. While IRIS Shahid Mahdavi has a weight of 'only' 41,971 tons.

The Fars News Agency said Iran's Revolutionary Guards were upgrading cargo ships to military vessels following the US practice of deploying the expeditionary ships USS Lewis B Puller and MV Ocean Trader, which serve as forward bases for special forces.

The name IRINS Shahid Mahdavi is named in honor of Nader Mahdavi, one of the seven Iranian Revolutionary Guards personnel who died fighting with the United States navy in October 1987 during the Iran-Iraq war.

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