Eleek Atom And Delfast Top 3.0 – Electric Bike Duo Ready To 'Fight' Main Battle Tank

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Delfast Top 3.0

In the course of battle, anything can happen, such as a soldier on a bicycle can knock down a Main Battle Tank (MBT). It sounds hyperbole, but nowadays, groups of infantrymen in Ukraine armed with electric bicycles can carry NLAW anti-tank missile launchers. A concept of war that must be taken into account, considering that soldiers with bicycles have advantages in terms of mobility and silence (without noise).

In the midst of the flood of various military equipment and weapons donated by the West to Ukraine, there seems to be something that catches attention. This one is not included in the rantis (tactical vehicle) group, because this is an electric bicycle, which most soldiers do not have high hopes for from the presence of this electric bicycle.

Posted on May 10-12, the arrival of electric bicycles for the Ukrainian military became trending news on social media. Quoted from Topwar.ru (05/25/2022), the Ukrainian military received two types of electric bicycles made by Ukrainian startups, Eleek and Delfast. This electric bicycle package was brought in by collecting donations.

Sources from the Ukrainian military claim that this electric bicycle was developed with the requirements and wishes of soldiers in mind. For the purposes of cargo support and transport of weapons, this electric bicycle is equipped with a standard trunk frame, where as seen in the photo, the NLAW missile launcher can be carried on this bicycle.

In more detail, these two types of combat electric bikes are the Eleek Atom and the Delfast Top 3.0. The bikes of these models are as close as possible to each other in appearance and design. Both samples use the same technical solutions and similar components and assemblies, albeit with different characteristics.

The architecture and design of the Eleek Atom and Delfast Top 3.0 is similar to that of a motocross or enduro bike. In both cases, a compact frame is used, in which the battery and controller are mounted under the casing. The bike is equipped with front forks with shock absorbers and rear swing arm suspension based on springs.

On both e-bikes, the front wheels are equipped with disc brakes. At the rear, used imported motorcycle wheels that are finished. The Eleek Atom product is equipped with a 3 kW motor, while the Delfast Top 3.0 uses a more powerful 5 kW motor. For both bikes, there is a manual operation mode, in which the motorcycle wheels are equipped with traditional bicycle pedals driven by chains.

Both electric bikes are equipped with a control system to monitor the condition of the battery and motor. An interesting feature is the presence of a USB connector for charging GPS devices or cell phones. The bicycle is equipped with a charger for use with 220 V household electricity.

Eleek Atom
Eleek Atom

Despite their similarities, the two bikes can be distinguished by the design of the saddle. So, the motorcycle type saddle is attached to the Eleek Atom frame, behind which there is a short trunk frame. While the Delfast Top 3.0 adopts a traditional bicycle saddle with height adjustment. Larger luggage can be installed in the rack.

This electric bicycle weighs about 70 kg with one person, as well as some cargo. On good tracks, the Delfast Top 3.0 is capable of going up to 40-45 km per hour and has a cruising range of 320 km. For the Eleek Atom it can go up to 90 km per hour, but charging the battery is only enough for 100-150 km.

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