Brazil And France Develop VTOL Hybrid Drone That Can Launch Missiles

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Brazil And France Develop VTOL Hybrid Drone That Can Launch Missiles

Brazil and France are collaborating to convert a commercial drone into a combat drone (UCAV). In the hands of XMobots Aeroespacial e Defesa, a drone manufacturer from Brazil and MBDA, an arms manufacturer from France, they are working on the XMobots Nauru 1000C as a VTOL hybrid drone copter that can launch air-to-surface missiles.

Quoted from (23/5/2022), the announcement of the collaboration between XMobots and MBDA was made on 17 May 2022, with the previous MoU being held in March for the integration of the MBDA Enforcer Air weapon system on the Nauru 1000C drone.

XMobots Nauru 1000C carries Hybrid VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) technology. This drone is equipped with a single propeller at the rear, but is also equipped with four electric motors for take off and landing functions. 

This means that the drone has two power sources, it can operate modes like a conventional fixed wing drone, but the drone can also fly like a quadcopter. With these advantages, the operation of this drone does not require an airstrip or runway.

The XMobots Nauru 1000C has a wingspan of 7.7 meters, a length of 2.9 meters and a height of 0.98 meters. With a maximum take-off weight of 150 kg, the payload that can be carried is up to 18 kg.

XMobots Nauru 1000C in one flight can carry 50 liters of fuel and has the ability to fly with an endurance of 10 hours. The main engine at the rear relies on a liquid fuel supply, while the quadcopter propeller uses battery power. This drone has a maximum speed of 111 km per hour, flying to an altitude of 3,000 meters. With a Line of Sight (LoS) data connection, the maximum flying range is 60 km.

XMobots Nauru 1000C

The Nauru 1000C is designed to perform intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) roles. According to its payload, this drone can carry several types of payload, including ground moving target indication and synthetic aperture radar (GMTI SAR) and electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) gimbal.

While talking about the type of weapon system installed, the Enforcer Air is an air-to-surface missile with the ability to target static and dynamic targets. 

This light missile has a firing range of 2,000 meters and weighs only 7 kg, while the launcher weighs 12 kg. The Enforcer Air has also been selected by the German Army.

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