Russia Deploys Iskander-K Cruise Missile System, Equipped with Camouflage Nets

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Russia Deploys Iskander-K Cruise Missile System, Equipped with Camouflage Nets

The Iskander-K is one of the weapons arsenals deployed by Russia in its military operations in Ukraine. According to the news on the Russian social network "VK" on April 19, 2022, it was said that the Russian military had started the deployment of the Iskander-K mobile cruise missile system towards Kharkiv to carry out firing operations deeper into Ukrainian territory.

Interestingly, the platform carrying the Iskander-K, the Belarusian heavy truck MZKT-7930 Astrolog 8×8 (TEL vehicle), appears with a special camouflage net.

Quoted from, it is stated that the installation of camouflage nets is intended so that the launching vehicle is not easily identified from the air by opposing drones. As is known, quite a lot of Russian-owned ranpurs were hit by air strikes from Ukrainian drones.

As for the Iskander-K, it's actually a system, the missile itself is the R-500 cruise missile. In one go, the Astrolog 8×8 MZKT-7930 truck can load cruise missiles stored in the rear of the truck chassis. In the firing position, the four-tube launcher is erected in a vertical position at the rear of the truck.

The Iskander-K is capable of launching R-500 tactical cruise missiles and the vehicle can carry up to four missiles. The R-500, also called the 9M728, has a maximum firing range of 490 km. The missile can be equipped with a conventional 500 kg warhead, or a nuclear warhead with a yield of about 10-50 kT.

There are several different conventional warheads, including cluster, fuel-air explosive, and bunker-busting.

The R-500 missile is equipped with an Astro-inertial navigation system, although it can also be equipped with satellite navigation systems such as NAVSTAR and GLONASS. The R-500 missile has a CEP (Circular Error Probability) of about 5 meters.

The Iskander-K can fire each missile independently within 16 minutes. The R-500 missiles weigh from 1,800 to 2,300 kg with a warhead of 500 kg. Speaking of speed, this missile can fly at speeds in the range of 230 to 260 meters per second.

The Iskander-K system is operated by a crew of three. The vehicle is powered by a YaMZ-846 diesel engine producing 500 hp, which produces a maximum speed of 70 km per hour with a maximum cruising range of 1,000 km.

>> Different from Iskander-M (SS-26 Stone)

Iskander-M (SS-26 Stone)
Iskander-M (SS-26 Stone)

The Iskander is actually a family of short-range tactical missiles, if the R-500 is a cruise missile, the Iskander-M (SS-26 Stone) is a ballistic missile. A glimpse of the Iskander SS-26 Stone, this short-range ballistic missile can travel at hypersonic speeds (Mach 6).

With its ability to penetrate the opponent's air defense system, the Iskander-M is very reliable as a deterrent effect. Even missile units on the Russian field artillery will fully deploy the Iskander-M by 2020.

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