KRI Surik 645 Installed Seahawk Cannon MSI-DS LW30M A1

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KRI Surik 645 Installed Seahawk Cannon MSI-DS LW30M A1

After signing the contract (15/10/2020) between the Indonesian Navy and PT. BTI Indo Tekno for the procurement of five new cannons Seahawk MSI-DS LW30M A1 30 mm caliber, the exact name of the patrol boat (KRI) that will be fitted with the British-made cannon is not known. At the time it was only said that the Seahawk MSI-DS LW30M A1 would be installed on PC-40 class patrol boats.

And recently there was news, that the MSI-DS LW30M A1 Seahawk has begun to be installed in the bow of the warship, where the ship that has the opportunity to be fitted with this gun is KRI Surik 645.

This means that the MSI-DS LW30M A1 Seahawk cannon is not installed on the patrol boat (Satrol). ), but instead was installed as a weapon in the KCR (Fast Missile) 40 group.

About the Seahawk LW30M A1 cannon, this weapon is known to be reliable with a high level of accuracy and the lightest in its class. Besides being able to be integrated with CMS (Combat Management System) and manual operation mode.

This weapon can also be operated remotely, and is equipped with a variety of advanced sensors in one package, including a high-sensitivity camera that can capture images in low lighting conditions, a thermal imager, and a laser range finder.

In terms of performance, the Seahawk LW30M A1 cannon has a speed of fire (rapid mode) of 200 projectiles per minute with a maximum effective firing range of 4.5 kilometers. In addition to being the main weapon in the patrol boat class, MSI-DS calls this cannon ideal as a second-tier weapon in the frigate and corvette class.

Meanwhile, KRI Surik 645 is one of the arsenal in the Koarmada I Fast Ship Unit (Satkat). KRI Surik 645 is produced by PT Palindo Marine Shipyard, Batam. With dimensions that are smaller than the KCR 60, the KCR 40 remains a highly reckoned tactical hitting force.

Having advantages in terms of flexibility and reaction speed, the KCR 40 is equipped with two C-705 anti-ship missile launchers as the main weapon. The Indonesian Navy projects KCR 40 to deal with moderate-intensity class conflicts. Overall, the Indonesian Navy will acquire 16 units of KCR 40 which have a maximum speed of 30 knots.

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