After a long torpor, the national anti-ship missile development program seems to have started to revive again. This was realized by the formation of a consortium to reverse engineer the anti-ship missiles. The consortium is led by the Directorate of Defense Technology and Industry of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense.
While the main component of the consortium consists of state-owned enterprises that have been formed to reverse engineer anti-ship missiles with the aim of building capabilities domestically. Several strategic SOEs involved in the consortium are PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT Len Industri, PT Dahana and PT Pindad.
Meanwhile, two national private companies that are included in the consortium are defense software company PT Mulia Laksana Utama and drone manufacturer PT Aero Terra Indonesia.
Quoted from (5/4/2022), the inauguration of the consortium was carried out through a signing on April 1, said the Indonesian Ministry of Defense in a statement on April 2. The scope of the consortium is the scope of work that will be carried out by each company as well as the testing and certification process that will be carried out at various stages of dismantling the missile.
"We hope that mastery of missile technology will eventually lead to the existence of a domestic anti-ship missile industry and the ability to produce weapons domestically to support the goals of the armed forces and safeguard the country's sovereignty," the Defense Ministry said in a statement.
The Defense Ministry statement did not reveal the types of missiles that would be involved in the reverse engineering process. However, from the photo accompanying the statement, there is an anti-ship missile mockup similar to the C-705 anti-ship missile produced by the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC).
C-705's range can be increased with a booster rocket
Flashback to the time when the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia was held by Purnomo Yusgiantoro, efforts to jointly produce weapons equipment have been initiated, one of which is making joint missiles (anti-ship missiles).
This was based on an invitation by General Guo Boxiong, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Military Commission, during his visit to Jakarta (21/5/2011). Boxiong offered cooperation in the manufacture of the C-705 missile, considering that the Indonesian Navy had previously used another Chinese-made missile, the C-802.
With a warhead weight of 110 Kg, the C-705 missile is prepared to run aground enemy warships weighing up to 1,500 tons. The resulting crushing power can reach 95.7 percent. C-705 has sea skimming capability, which is flying low above sea level, for C-705 the lowest limit is capable of flying 12.5 meters above sea level.
By flying low, making the figure of this missile difficult to detect by radar. For guidance matters, again there is no specific information, but some literature mentions that the C-705 combines guidance systems from radar, infrared, GPS (Global Positioning Systems), GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), and TV.
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