Australia Sends Rantis Bushmaster to Ukraine, Transported in C-17 Globemaster

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Australia Sends Rantis Bushmaster to Ukraine, Transported in C-17 Globemaster

After announcing in early March an arms aid package worth US$50 million (Aus$70 million) to help Ukraine. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently announced another military aid for Ukraine.

However, this time the type of information to be sent can be more specific, although the quantity has not been informed. To be precise, the Australian Government will send the Bushmaster 4×4 armored armored vehicle.

Quoted from (1/4/2022), the Australian Government announced the decision to send the Bushmaster 4×4 after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy specifically requested it during a video address to Australian MPs.

Australian PM Morrison detailed that a Boeing C-17 Globemaster transport plane would be used to deliver the Bushmaster packages to Ukraine. But how many and when will be sent - such details have not been determined by Morrison.

"We're not just sending our prayers, we're sending our weapons, we're sending our ammunition, we're sending our humanitarian aid, we're sending all of this, our bulletproof vests, all of this and we're also going to be sending our armored vehicle, our Bushmaster," Morrison said. .

On Thursday, March 31st, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy addressed the Australian Parliament with a request to transfer Bushmaster to Ukraine.

“You have a very good armed vehicle, the Bushmaster, which can significantly help Ukraine, and other equipment,” Zelenskyy said.

By using one C-17 Globemaster unit, four Bushmaster units can be transported. According to information circulating, currently the Australian Armed Forces have at least 946 Bushmaster units. Produced by Thales Australia, the Bushmaster has undoubtedly become a mainstay and pride for Australia to this day.

The Bushmaster, which is in the Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) category, has a pretty good reputation. In the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, about 100 Bushmaster units have been victims of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). However, from all of that there were no casualties from crew or passengers as a result of the IED explosion that hit the Bushmaster.

If you run over a mine, then the Bushmaster is ready to withstand the impact of the explosion. This ability is thanks to the Bushmaster monocoque body that is shaped together from top to bottom. At the bottom, the body forms a sharp angle alias V-hull, so that at first glance the cross section of this vehicle looks like a drop of water.

The V shape of the lower chassis is the secret key to reflecting the effects of mine explosions to the side, so that not all of the explosive energy penetrates to the upper deck, thereby reducing the risk of injury to crew and passengers.
The Netherlands is currently known as the largest Bushmaster operator in Europe, in terms of deploying the Bushmasters sent by Australia, it is very likely that the Dutch military network will be asked for support, especially in terms of training crews from Ukraine.

There are several main points that you are Bushmaster, speaking of armor for example, protection is the core of Bushmaster's strength. This stainless steel layer is made from super hard steel made by the Bisalloy company based in Illawara, Australia.

Bisalloy-made steel is treated by desulfurization and vacuum degassing methods to remove sulfur, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen content to obtain bisalloy molecules. Guaranteed projectiles up to 7.62 mm caliber will not be able to penetrate the armor layer, as well as the glass layer, is also able to withstand the brunt of the 7.62 mm projectile.

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