A Winding Road, After Two Years Germany Finally Agrees to Sell BMP-1 to Ukraine

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A Winding Road, After Two Years Germany Finally Agrees to Sell BMP-1 to Ukraine

Ukraine has received various weapons assistance from Western countries, however, so far no one has presented 'assistance' in the form of an IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) ranpur.

The latest news came from Germany, reported that German Defense Minister Christina Lambrecht has officially agreed to supply 56 PbV-501 ranpur, or better known as BMP-1 to Ukraine.

Dozens of these mines were previously operated by the East German Army, and currently the BMP-1 fleet is in the hands of a private Czech company. For the record, 56 ex-German (East) BMP-1s have migrated to the Czech Republic for reservation to end users. In other words, these combat vehicles can only be sold with official permission from Berlin.

Quoted from Reuters.com (1/4/2022), it is said that Ukraine's desire for 56 BMP-1 units was not actually triggered by a war with Russia, because the desire to purchase 56 BMP-1 units had been submitted since 2019.

Czech contractors were ready to deliver immediately, but were hampered by more than two years, as they had to wait more than two years for Germany to give official permission. According to some reports, this German BMP-1 needs to be repaired, the work may take several weeks.

Historically, Germany sold hundreds of BMP-1s to Sweden in the late 1990s. In the hands of Sweden, the BMP-1, which incidentally is a Russian production line, received a number of upgrades. The process for upgrading the former East German BMP-1 was carried out by BAE Systems Land Systems Hagglunds AB.
In May 1997, the Swedish Defense Matériel Administration awarded a US$25 million contract for the modification and renovation of 350 BMP-1s for the Swedish Army. The upgraded BMP-1 later named Pbv-501 in Swedish Army service, was delivered to Sweden from 1998 to 2001 for the Swedish Army's Makanis Infantry Brigade. In mid-2006, the Pbv-501 was removed from the Swedish Army arsenal.

Of the hundreds of Pbv-501 stocks, dozens of which were later sold by Sweden to the Czechs, and by a Czech company, Pbv-501 wanted to be 'channeled' to Ukraine, although it was later blocked by licensing from Germany in 2019.

Since being upgraded by Sweden, BMP The ex-Germany -1 has received various adjustments, especially in communications and armaments according to NATO standards.

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