US Calls China Militarized in South China Sea, China: We Have Rights!

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US Calls China Militarized in South China Sea, China: We Have Rights!

China on Tuesday (22/3/2022) said its country has the right to develop islands in the South China Sea. China's statement was released in response to criticism from the US that Beijing has completely militarized the three islands in the region.

Citing The Hill, speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin called the islands a necessary national defense facility inside China's territory in line with international law.

Wang then criticized the US for intending to stir up trouble and cause provocations, as well as seriously threaten the sovereignty and security of littoral states and undermine the order and safety of navigation in the South China Sea.

Launching the AP, earlier on Sunday (20/3/2022), Admiral John C. Aquilino, head of the US Indo-Pacific Command, said China had fully armed the three islets with anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile systems, lasers, equipment jamming, and fighter jets.

Aquilino said Beijing was flexing its military muscles but also running counter to past assurances from Chinese President Xi Jinping, who vowed not to militarize the artificial islands.

"I think over the last 20 years we have seen the largest military buildup since World War II by the PRC," Aquilino told the AP.

He added, "They have upgraded all their capabilities and the buildup of weapons destabilizes the region."

China is aggressively seeking to expand its control over the South China Sea, amid competing claims from other countries including Vietnam and Taiwan. The US has no claim but is patrolling the area in a bid to promote freedom of navigation.

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