UN: Myanmar Military Involved in Mass Murder and War Crimes!

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UN: Myanmar Military Involved in Mass Murder and War Crimes!

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said the Myanmar military had been involved in various human rights violations and war crimes since the coup took place last year.

In the first comprehensive human rights report since last year's coup released Tuesday, Bachelet said security forces had neglected human life in Myanmar. The United Nations has found indications that the Myanmar military is deliberately using air strikes and heavy weapons in civilian-populated areas.

"Many victims were shot in the head, burned to death, arbitrarily arrested, tortured or used as human shields," Bachelet said.

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The United Nations also reported that the Myanmar military had carried out mass killings in the Sagaing region, with some of the victims found dead with their hands and feet tied.

Meanwhile in Kayah State, burned bodies of women and children were found, some in positions indicating that they tried to escape and were burned alive.

The report also indicated that detainees were tortured during interrogation, including hanging from the ceiling, electrocuted, injected with drugs. Some of them even experienced sexual violence and rape.

Furthermore, Bachelet asked the international community to provide a firm and unified response considering the wide scale of violations of international law in Myanmar.

The UN report is based on interviews with victims of abuse and witnesses. The data is also corroborated with satellite imagery, verified multimedia files, and open source information.

On the other hand, the Myanmar military says they have a duty to ensure peace and security. They emphatically denied any atrocities had taken place and blamed terrorists for causing the riots.

Since toppling the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in February 2021, Myanmar's military junta has so far failed to consolidate power. Waves of protests and demonstrations continue throughout the country.

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