UK Gives Additional Support To Ukraine, Ready To Supply 6,000 Missiles

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UK Gives Additional Support To Ukraine, Ready To Supply 6,000 Missiles

The British government approved providing additional military assistance to Ukraine. Reuters reported that Britain was ready to send 6,000 missiles as well as economic aid worth 25 million pounds.

The UK Government Office said on Wednesday (23/3) Prime Minister Boris Johnson would announce a new support package on Thursday (24/3) at a meeting of NATO leaders.

Meanwhile the G7 countries are also starting to show their willingness to take Ukraine's defense capabilities to the next stage.

"The UK will work with our allies to increase military and economic support to Ukraine, strengthening their defenses as they turn things around in this fight," Johnson said.

Furthermore, Johnson said, the international community can now keep the fire of freedom alive in Ukraine, or conversely put it out across Europe and the world.

Citing Reuters, as part of the aid package, Britain will provide 6,000 missiles and 25 million pounds of financial support for the Ukrainian military.

The package will also include a £4.1 million fund for the BBC World Service which continues to work to support Ukrainian and Russian language services and tackle disinformation.

Under the newly prepared aid commitments, the UK hopes to provide up to 10,000 missiles. Meanwhile, additional funds above 400 million pounds will also be sought for humanitarian and economic assistance.

The NATO summit on Thursday is expected to produce an additional aid package for Ukraine. This includes helping Ukraine to avoid chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats.

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