Russia Will Use Nuclear Weapons If This Happens

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Russia Will Use Nuclear Weapons If This Happens

The official in charge of Russia's security policy said his country would only use nuclear weapons if its existence was threatened.

This was revealed by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov to CNN in an interview on Tuesday (22/3/2022).

The statement was released after nearly four weeks of Russia sending troops to Ukraine. Previously, there were Western concerns that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine could escalate into a nuclear war.

Peskov issued the statement in an English-language interview when asked if he believed President Vladimir Putin would not use nuclear weapons.

“We have a concept of internal security and it is public, you can read all the reasons for using nuclear weapons. So if it is an existential threat to our country, then it (the nuclear arsenal) can be used according to our concept," he said.

He added, "No other reason is mentioned in the text."

The Interfax news agency reported that Putin last month ordered Russia's nuclear forces to be on high alert. In line with the order, Russia's defense ministry said on February 28 that its nuclear missile forces and North and Pacific fleets had been placed on enhanced combat duty.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on March 14: "The prospect of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, is now returning to the realm of possibility."

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