Russia: We Have the Power to Put the Insolent Enemy In Its Place

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Russia: We Have the Power to Put the Insolent Enemy In Its Place

Russia warned Washington on Thursday that Moscow had the power to put the US in its place, and accused the West of fueling a Russophobic plot to destroy Russia.

Dmitry Medvedev, who served as President from 2008 to 2012 and is now deputy head of Russia's Security Council, said the US had fueled "disgusting" Russophobia in an attempt to bring the country of red bears to its knees.

"It will not work. Russia has the power to put all our impudent enemies in their place (should be)," Medvedev said, as quoted by Reuters.

That is, Russia will do something to let others know that its enemies are not as special, powerful, or important as they once thought.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, the US and its allies in Europe and Asia have imposed sanctions on Russian leaders, companies and businessmen, cutting off the red bear country from most of the world economy.

President Vladimir Putin said what he called special military operations in Ukraine because the US was using Ukraine to threaten Russia. And, Russia must defend against the "genocide" of the Russian-speaking people by Ukraine.

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