RBK-250 Cluster Bomb: Spreading Death From East Timor to Conflict in Syria

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RBK-250 Cluster Bomb: Spreading Death From East Timor to Conflict in Syria

Although it is no longer the number one air force in the Southeast Asia region, the Indonesian Air Force in terms of combat experience, especially regarding aerial fire assistance, is a force that is very calculated.

Even though until now they still rely on dumb bombs, the Indonesian Air Force records have experience in using cluster bombs, or some call them cluster bombs. Because it has a large destructive power, and often causes collateral damage, the use of cluster bombs has been prohibited under international humanitarian law.
The use of cluster bombs in Indonesia is of course a thing of the past. More precisely, this type of cluster bomb was imported in the defense equipment procurement package ahead of the Trikora Operation.

Along with the presence of a fleet of MiG-21 Fishbed and MiG-17 Fresco fighter jets for the Indonesian Air Force (formerly AURI), there was a cluster bomb of the RBK (Razovaya Bombovaya Kasseta)-250 type.

Quoting from the book "Air Operations in East Timor" by Hendro Subroto, it was stated that ahead of Operation Trikora in the 1960s the Indonesian Air Force had FAB-250, ZAB-250, and incendiary bombs, all of which were made in the Soviet Union.

Due to the limitations of weapons to beat Fretilin, while the anti-guerrilla/COIN (Counter Insurgency) aircraft OV-10F Bronco was present in Indonesia, one of the two Bronco mountings had to be modified so that it could be fitted with the bombs from the Soviet Union.

Understandably, when the OV-10F Bronco was received by the Indonesian Air Force in 1976, there was a provision that the defense equipment purchased through the FMS (Foreign Military Sales) program could only be purchased for weapons in the form of MK82 bombs after three years had passed from the purchase period.

And until now, the MK82 has become the best-selling US-made bomb in the weapons market, and so far the MK82 is still the ultimate weapon for the bombing mission of the F-16 Fighting Falcon, Hawk 109/209, and Super Tucano of the Indonesian Air Force.

Meanwhile the RBK-250 and bombs made by the Soviet Union were said to have been used up in support of Operation Seroja, so that when the A-4E/F Skyhawk generation arrived in Indonesia in the early 80s, the MK82 bomb weighing 227 kg and The MK81 weighs 113 kg.

Regarding RBK-250, it must be classified as an old bomb, but its role is still used today, in several international journals it is called RBK-250 which was still used in 2015, to be precise in the armed conflict in East Libya. It's part of the history of the national defense system, so it's a good idea to know a little about the RBK-250.

The full label is RBK-250 ZAB-2.5, there is an identity "250" implying that this bomb weighs up to 250 kg, although in actual conditions it weighs around 194 kg. Bearing the title as a cluster bomb, then inside the RBK-250 there is a cargo space that stores ZAB -2.5 bombs in the form of incendiary ammunition.

Inside the RBK-250 cargo can be loaded 48 small bombs (bomblet) ZAB-2.5, each bomb weighs 700 grams. ZAB-2.5 will explode through the ejection process of the gunpowder contained in the cargo, while the combustion process occurs through the air (oxygen) medium.

Its working principle is similar to thermobaric, namely the explosive will produce a blast wave with a longer duration, this pattern is also known as the "air fuel bomb" which is targeted to roast infantry troops, so that it can cause large numbers of casualties.

The Thermobaric relies on oxygen and air for its operation, and is perfect for hitting infantry targets hiding in tunnels, caves or bunkers. In addition, because it is able to spread many bomblets, this bomb is also very suitable for the mission of destroying the opponent's aircraft runway.

The ZAB-2.5 bomblet has a length in the range of 244 – 249 mm and a width of 68 mm. The ZAB-2.5 is offered in three variants of ub ammunition, namely
  • Variant 1 – Weight: 2.3 kg; Composition of the burner: thermite. Burn time 150-180 seconds.
  • Variant 2 – Weight: 2.5 kg; Composition of the burner: thermite. Burning time 120-180 seconds.
  • Variant 3 – Weight: 2.2 kg; Composition of burners: thermite + frozen fuel mixture. Burn time 3-9 minutes.

For information, Variants 2 and 3 also contain explosives PETN (Pentaerythritol tetranitrate) which is designed to hinder efforts to extinguish the fire in the area that is burning. In the case of the Varian 3, some analysts say the effect is similar to that of the Napalm bomb after the thermite part of the sub-munitions caught fire.

The thermite component of the sub ammunition is capable of penetrating 3-4 mm thick armor. The findings of the use of RBK-250 bombs were proven to be used in the city of Derna, East Libya in 2015.

Then there are allegations that RBK-250 is still being used in the war in Syria which is currently still raging, this is analyzed from the identification of explosives and the effects of destruction caused. In addition to the RBK-250, there is a bigger figure with a bigger payload bomblet, namely the RBK-500.

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