Putin: Russian people who support the West are trash and traitors

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Putin: Russian people who support the West are trash and traitors

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday (16/3) strongly condemned his citizens who provide support to Western countries. Putin calls them trash and traitors.

Putin claims that the West is trying to deny everything about Russia. According to him, all Russian citizens who support the West need to be removed from society.

"The Russian people will always be able to distinguish true patriots from trash and traitors, and be able to spit them out like flies that accidentally fly into their mouths," Putin said in his speech, as quoted by the New York Times.

Furthermore, Putin believes that purifying society of such people will strengthen the country, its solidarity, cohesion and readiness to respond to any challenges.

Putin also denounced Western media propaganda that makes it appear that Russia is the worst party. He sees that currently there is no longer any objectivity in delivering news globally.

"An unprecedented information campaign has been launched, involving global social networks and all Western media, whose objectivity and independence has turned out to be a myth," Putin continued.

On the occasion, Putin emphasized that Russia's current struggle is for the sovereignty of the country and the future of Russian children.

Putin's tough stance is in stark contrast to that of his foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov. One day earlier, Lavrov had publicly stated that Russia saw hope that a compromise with Ukraine could be reached to end the war.

Putin described the Ukraine war as part of an existential clash with the United States. Putin also believes that this war will open the door to tougher measures at home and even more aggression abroad.

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