Pope Francis Calls for an End to Russia's Aggression Against Ukraine

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Pope Francis Calls for an End to Russia's Aggression Against Ukraine

Pope Francis on Sunday issued his strongest condemnation of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, saying "unacceptable armed aggression" and "massacres" must stop.

"Faced with the savagery of killing children, innocent people and unarmed civilians, no strategic reason can hold it back," he told 25,000 people in St. Peter's Square during his Sunday blessing.

Moscow says its actions are designed not to occupy territory but to demilitarize its neighbour. He also denied targeting civilian areas.

"The only thing that has to be done is to stop this unacceptable armed aggression before turning the city into a graveyard," Pope Francis said.

"In the name of God, I ask you: Stop this massacre!" Pope Francis said, before asking the crowds to join him in silent prayer to end the war.

He called Ukraine's besieged port of Mariupol a "martyr's city" and again called for "a completely safe humanitarian corridor" to allow residents to evacuate. Now in its third week, the Russian invasion has forced more than 2.5 million people to leave Ukraine.

The United Nations has recorded at least 596 civilian deaths, although it is believed the real toll is much higher, and Ukraine's attorney general's office says that at least 85 children are among them.

Pope Francis also urged people to accept refugees from Ukraine and thanked those who have joined the “great network of solidarity” to help those fleeing the war.

The pope's call came as Russia said it had attacked the Yavoriv training facility in western Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials said at least 35 people were killed and 134 injured Sunday when more than 30 cruise missiles were fired into the Yavoriv military range, just 25 kilometers (15 miles) from the Polish border.

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