NASA Confirms At Least 5,000 Exoplanets Outside the Solar System

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NASA Confirms At Least 5,000 Exoplanets Outside the Solar System

NASA confirms there are at least 5,000 exoplanets outside the solar system. Are there habitable planets like in our solar system?

The universe is so vast that there are billions of planets out there that we may not even know about. These planets outside the solar system are called exoplanets.

As we know, in the solar system itself there is a planetary system consisting of 8 planets that most people already know. Starting from the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune which are farthest from the sun.

So, in your opinion, are there still other planets in the distant universe out there?

The answer is there, quoting from CNET (22/03/2022), NASA recently confirmed this latest finding. There are at least 5,000 confirmed exoplanets based on the data that has been collected.

His findings were confirmed on Monday (21/03/2022) as a form of celebration for this latest achievement. His latest findings, namely 65 planets located outside the solar system, have been included in the NASA Exoplanet Archive.

Exoplanet illustration

"These are not just numbers," said Exoplanet Archive science lead Jessie Christiansen in a statement.

"Each one of them is a new world, a new planet. I am happy with each planet because we know nothing about them." he added, as quoted from CNET.

Talking about exoplanets, first confirmed in the early 1990s, of course this is an impressive discovery because the findings are progressing so rapidly. In June 2019, NASA announced that the number of expolanets had reached 4,000.

NASA has finally managed to find at least a thousand more in less than three years.

The discovery of the number of exoplanets reaching 5,000 is also inseparable from data collected by missions such as the now retired Kepler Space Telescope. And also the Transiting Exoplanet Surve Satellite (TESS) which is currently operating to find planets that are far away.

Exoplanet-related research is not just looking for their existence, but looking for signs that some planets may be habitable.

"In my opinion, it is inevitable that we will find some kind of life somewhere, most likely of a primitive kind," said astronomer Alexander Wolszczan, lead author of the groundbreaking study of the first confirmed exoplanet from three decades ago.

Astronomers still have not found with certainty the Earth's twin or the plexus with the planet we inhabit. But most of the exoplanets found have characteristics ranging from rocky worlds to gas giants larger than Jupiter.

The figure of 5,000 for exoplanets that have been discovered is already impressive. But NASA adds that our galaxy may have hundreds of billions of planets.

What do you think? Maybe we already know 8 planets that exist in the solar system, but there are still thousands and even billions of planets out there which are called exoplanets.

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