Mercedes Benz Opens Research and Development Center in Shanghai

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Mercedes Benz Opens Research and Development Center in Shanghai

German automotive company Mercedes Benz has opened a research and development (R&D) center in Shanghai which will focus on car technology.

This is the second development center in China, which will develop technologies such as connectivity, automated steering systems and big data.

Mercedes did not specify the value of its investment in the technology center or how many engineers will be employed there.

"This aims to attract hundreds of talented employees in the field of new technology," said Mercedes management as quoted by Reuters, Friday (18/3).

The establishment of the new Shanghai technology center follows the German premium automaker's move to significantly enhance its R&D capabilities in Beijing, by opening a new development center facility in the Chinese capital.

With 1,000 engineers, the new Beijing technology facility is more than three times the size Mercedes-Benz opened in 2014, and the first outside Germany. This is the technical equivalent of the much larger corporate headquarters near Stuttgart.

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