Joe Biden Asks G-20 to Expel Russia, Indonesia Still Invites Putin

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Joe Biden Asks G-20 to Expel Russia, Indonesia Still Invites Putin

US President Joe Biden expressed his views on Russia intending to attend the Group of Twenty (G20) meeting in Bali.

According to him, Russia should be excluded from the main Group of Twenty (G20) economies. The topic was raised during his meeting with world leaders in Brussels on Thursday morning.

"My answer is yes, depending on the G20," Biden said, when asked if Russia should be excluded from the group.

Biden also said if countries like Indonesia and others disagreed with Russia's expulsion, then in his view, Ukraine should be allowed to attend the meeting.

Meanwhile, citing Bloomberg, Biden said China knows its economic future is tied to the West, after warning Chinese leader Xi Jinping that Beijing could regret siding with Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

"I made no threats but I explained to him - making sure he understands the consequences of helping Russia," he said of his Friday call with Xi.

Biden later told reporters: "China understands that its economic future is much more closely tied to the West than to Russia."

Biden also called on the Group of 20 to expel Russia and warned again that Vladimir Putin could use weapons of mass destruction in the Ukraine war during a series of summits Thursday (March 24) with United States allies in Brussels meant to shore up support for Kiev.

Biden and European leaders are also developing strategies to prevent a global hunger crisis stemming from the invasion and disruption of his agriculture. Biden said the United States and its allies were planning a new organization to crack down on violations of Russian sanctions.

Meanwhile, citing the Straits Times, Indonesia, which holds the rotating presidency of the Group of 20 (G-20), said it would not close the G20 event against Russia, despite being under pressure from several member states to exclude Moscow because of the war in Ukraine.

"Jakarta will lead the grouping this year in line with the previous presidency", explained Indonesia's G-20 co-sherpa Dian Triansyah Djani said on Thursday (24/3/2022).

He added, "Each organization has its own rules of procedure, precedent and manners for discussing issues."

Dian said Indonesia's current position is quite clear and Indonesia will run the G20 presidency based on what has been done in the previous presidency.

When asked about why Indonesia invited Russia to the summit in November, Dian said: "It is the duty of all G-20 presidencies to invite all of its members. ... We will continue to carry out our duties as before."

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