If Zelensky Dies, This Is The Plan Ukraine Prepared

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If Zelensky Dies, This Is The Plan Ukraine Prepared

The fierce war between Russia and Ukraine is still ongoing today. Even reportedly, Ukraine already has a plan if President Volodymyr Zelensky is killed because of a Russian attack.

The existence of the plan was disclosed by the Secretary of State of the United States (US), Antony Blinken, Sunday (6/3/2022).

Zelensky claimed to be the main target of Russia.

In addition, the former comedian has reportedly been targeted for assassination three times after Russia invaded Ukraine since Thursday (24/2/2022).

Zelensky at his meeting with Western leaders, has revealed that he may die in the near future.

"Ukraine already has a plan, which I'm not going to talk about or go into detail about, to ensure that there's something we call a continuing government in one way or another," Blinken said on CBS' program Face The Nation, quoted from Politico.

"I'm just going to stop it there," he added.

On that occasion, Blinken revealed a possible ban on imports of Russian oil, which Zelensky had asked the US congress the day before.

To date, the White House has remained reluctant to ban oil imports from Moscow, despite support for the idea from Congress.

Blinken said he was discussing the potential to ban Russian oil with US President Joe Biden and other US and Western officials.

Blinken insists it is a very active discussion between the US and its allies.

"We are talking with our European partners and allies to look in a coordinated manner at the prospect of banning Russian oil imports, while ensuring there is still a proper supply of oil on world markets," he said.

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