Hot, US Astronaut Mocks Russia Who Threatens to Leave Space

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Hot, US Astronaut Mocks Russia Who Threatens to Leave Space

Tensions between the United States and Russia as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict spread to social media. Famous US astronaut Scott Kelly clashed with the head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin.

Kelly, who famously spent a year on the International Space Station (ISS) has been blocked on Twitter by Rogozin after Kelly criticized Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Rogozin's repeated threats to withdraw from the ISS.

"Get out of the way, idiot!" said Rogozin in a tweet. "Otherwise, the death of the ISS will be your responsibility," he said. But not long after, the tweet was immediately deleted.

Kelly then replied in Russian. "Dimon, why delete this tweet?," he said. "Don't want people to know what kind of kid you really are?" Kelly quipped.

In an interview with CNN, Kelly said this was the first time he'd had an argument on Twitter. He could not stand the behavior of Roscosmos who deliberately inflamed the US.

Quoted from CNN, Kelly said he felt compelled to join in on the conversation after Rogozin shared a video showing two cosmonauts leaving the ISS and waving to NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei who was supposed to return to Earth with them aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft. on March 30.

"If he acts like a kid, I'll treat him like a kid," Kelly said.

"It's inconceivable that Russia's space program would leave someone in space that they are responsible for bringing home," he growled.

But Kelly later considered that Russia was unlikely to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. "Even though I just said it's inconceivable, maybe they'll leave someone behind. I don't know," Kelly said.

There are currently four NASA astronauts, two Russian cosmonauts, and one European Space Agency astronaut living and working on the ISS. But Vande Hei is the only NASA astronaut featured in the Roscosmos video that looks like it was made up on purpose.

"If I were him, I would try to keep doing this job. If they (Roscosmos) leave me on the ISS, then I will find another way home," he said.

Kelly, who speaks fluent Russian after spending several years training in Moscow, Russia, praised most Roscosmos employees for being professional and reasonable and wanting the space research partnership to continue.

Previously reported, a strange video was posted by Russian state-controlled media RIA Novosti, showing a number of cosmonauts leaving the ISS. This video raises speculation that Russia is deliberately inciting the US.

As tensions escalated between Russia and Western countries especially the US, Rogozin threatened to destroy the US by dropping debris from the malfunctioning ISS by releasing Russian segments. It's not clear whether Rogozin is threatening to drop the ISS into the atmosphere or just wiping out the Russian part and flying off on his own.

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