Give up, Zelensky Affirms No Longer Sticking to NATO: They're Afraid of Russia!

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Give up, Zelensky Affirms No Longer Sticking to NATO: They're Afraid of Russia!

President Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that Ukraine would no longer insist on becoming a member of NATO after learning the defense alliance was worried about a confrontation with Russia.

"I have kept my silence on this issue for a long time, after we understood that NATO was not ready to accept Ukraine," Zelensky said in an interview broadcast on ABC News.

He later said, "The alliance is afraid of controversial matters and confrontation with Russia."

Zelensky then insisted that he did not want to be president of "a country that begs to its knees."

The possibility of Ukraine entering NATO became one of the issues that made Russia angry before the invasion on 24 February.

President Vladimir Putin is furious that in recent years, NATO has continued to expand its grip on countries around Russia.

Russia considers the expansion of NATO's territory as a threat, especially since the military elements of this Western alliance are right at its doorstep.

Amid this escalating tension, Russia recognized the independence of Luhansk and Donetsk, regions in eastern Ukraine controlled by pro-Moscow separatists.

Shortly after, Russia announced a military operation in eastern Ukraine starting February 24. But then, Russian troops swiftly ambushed Ukraine from the north, east, and south. War broke out.

In a number of negotiations after the war broke out, Russia urged that Ukraine also recognize Luhansk and Donetsk as independent countries.

When asked by the ABC about Russia's request, Zelensky said Ukraine was very open to dialogue.

"I'm talking about security guarantees. [Luhansk and Donetsk] are not recognized by any country except Russia, this pseudo republic. However, we can discuss and find compromises regarding the fate of this region," he said.

"What matters to me is how people in the region want to remain part of Ukraine, and how other Ukrainians are willing to accept them. The problem is more difficult than simply recognizing their [independence]."

Seeing how complicated this problem is, Zelensky asked Putin to immediately open a discussion window in order to find a good solution.

"What needs to be done is for Putin to start talking, to start a dialogue, rather than living in an information bubble without oxygen," Zelensky said.

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