China Denies US Accusations of Request for Aid to Russia

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China Denies US Accusations of Request for Aid to Russia

China has denied claims by US officials that Russia asked Beijing for military assistance when it invaded Ukraine. China also accuses Washington of spreading malicious misinformation capable of aggravating the conflict.

"The US continues to spread malicious disinformation on China and the Ukraine issue," the Chinese Embassy in London told Reuters in a statement.

"China continues to play a constructive role to promote peaceful dialogue. The top priority now is de-escalating the situation, rather than adding fuel to the fire, and working for a diplomatic solution rather than escalating the situation further," the statement continued.

Previously, US officials said Russia had asked China for military and financial assistance.

In a meeting between the US and China in Rome, Washington is said to have warned Beijing of the possible consequences that China would have to bear if it decided to support Russia, quoted by CNN.

Two anonymous CNN sources said Russia requested packages of non-perishable military food known as "food, ready-to-eat" or MRE for the United States. This request opens up possibilities regarding the logistical challenges faced by the Russian military, it also raises questions regarding the fundamental readiness of the stronghold.

However, the allegations of this request for assistance were denied by Russia.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said his country has sufficient military resources to achieve their goals in Ukraine in a timely and thorough manner, Monday (14/3).

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