Against the City of Lyiv, Russian Troops are Getting Closer to Poland

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Against the City of Lyiv, Russian Troops are Getting Closer to Poland

The mayor of Lyiv, Andriy Sadovy, on Friday (18/3) reported that a Russian missile had hit an area near the city's airport. However, Sadovy ensured the airport was not affected.

Quoted from Reuters, the authorities are currently monitoring the situation and will report the exact situation as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian television channel 24 reported that at least three explosions had been heard in the city.

The Russian attack on the city of Lyiv has intensified since last week. The Russian military fired missiles near Lviv and hit a large military base near the Polish border. The incident is said to have killed dozens of people.

Important city for Ukraine

Lyiv is an important city located about 70 km from the border with Poland. The proximity of this location makes Lyiv seem to be the entrance to NATO.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, Lyiv has become a gathering point for refugees who want to leave the country for Poland or other countries.

Citing CNN, Lyiv has hosted more than 200,000 displaced people. Lyiv itself is a city of over 700,000 inhabitants. The influx of refugees made the city even more crowded.

The city has also become a temporary haven for many media organizations and embassies who have been forced to flee the capital Kyiv.

From a military perspective, Lyiv also serves as an important arms supply route to the Ukrainian military. The severity of military resistance in this city has also been considered successful in thwarting Russian plans to carry out a rapid invasion.

Lyiv also has significance from a cultural aspect. In this city there is an old town area which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Ukrainian government also continues to protect the National Museum in Lyiv, which houses a collection of sacred medieval art and rare religious manuscripts.

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