World Oil Prices Skyrocket After Putin Orders Nuclear Standby

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World Oil Prices Skyrocket After Putin Orders Nuclear Standby

World crude oil prices recorded a surge to US$103.39 per barrel in early trading Monday (28/2) morning. The figure jumped after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered that "deterrence forces" including nuclear weapons in his country be alerted, Sunday (27/2).

The price of Brent crude oil futures for April delivery is known to have jumped to US $ 103.39 per barrel in early trading, up about 5.6 percent from the previous closing price.

Meanwhile, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures for March delivery grew 6.01 percent to US$97.50 per barrel after touching their highest peak at US$100.54 per barrel.

Analyst and Director of PT TRFX Garuda Berjangka Ibrahim Ascustombi projects that the price of crude oil in the international market will still strengthen as the Russia-Ukraine conflict has not subsided.

Ibrahim assessed that the tension between Russia and Ukraine will still provide positive sentiment for gold commodities in the global market.

Today, he predicts the price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures will be in the range of support at US$115 per barrel and resistance at US$85 per barrel.

The latest news Russia and Ukraine will meet at the Belarusian border to defuse the conflict. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he had spoken to Belarusian President Aleksander Lukashenko about the matter.

Zelensky said Lukashenko would be responsible for ensuring all planes, helicopters and missiles in Belarus remain silent as the Ukrainian delegation heads, meets and returns.

However Volodymyr Zelensky said he did not expect much from the meeting.

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