US Sends 3,000 Troops Back to Europe, This is Russia's Reaction

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US Sends 3,000 Troops Back to Europe, This is Russia's Reaction

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Washington needed war at any price.

The statement was issued in response to news of the United States' plans to send thousands of additional troops to Poland.

It was revealed Friday that the Pentagon is sending an additional 3,000 troops to Eastern Europe amid the Ukraine-related crisis.

According to an official who spoke to reporters ahead of the official announcement, the troops will join the 1,700 troops already in Poland early next week.

“The White House hysteria is more open than ever. The Anglo-Saxons needed war. Whatever the price," Zakharova was quoted as saying by Russia Today, Saturday (12/2/2022).

He added that "provocations, disinformation and threats" serve as the US and its allies' preferred way to solve their own problems.

“An American military-political roller machine is ready to live people's lives again. The whole world is watching how militarism and imperial ambitions expose themselves," said Zakharova.

In recent months Western countries have accused Russia of its alleged plans to invade Ukraine.

Despite numerous denials of this claim by Moscow, the US and its NATO allies have continued to establish their military presence in Eastern Europe.

A Pentagon official, however, stressed that troops soon en route to Poland were sent there only to defend NATO allies and should not cross the Ukrainian border.

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