US Agrees to Sell F-15 Fighter Jets Worth $14 Billion to Indonesia

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US Agrees to Sell F-15 Fighter Jets Worth $14 Billion to Indonesia

President Joe Biden's administration approved nearly $14 billion worth of arms sales to the Indonesian government, as the United States continues to move forward with steps it believes will help counter China's escalating behavior in the Indo-Pacific.

The US State Department announced the sale of a $13.9 billion state-of-the-art fighter jet while Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits Australia.

His visit was also meant to underscore the United States' determination not to allow China to freely control the Pacific region, even as developments between Russia and Ukraine demand attention.

The arms sale to Indonesia of up to 36 F-15 fighter jets, engines and related equipment, including munitions and communications systems, followed a mid-December trip to Jakarta by Blinken, who at the time praised close US-Indonesian ties despite human rights concerns. which had delayed previous arms sales to the country.

"This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security goals of the United States by enhancing the security of an important regional partner who is a force for political stability, and economic progress in the Asia-Pacific region," the US State Department said in a statement.

"It is in the US national interest to assist Indonesia in developing and maintaining a strong and effective self-defense capability," he said as quoted by AP, Friday (11/2/2022).

The statement did not mention China but successive US administrations have sought to enlist Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority democracy, in its campaign to counter China's efforts to increase its influence in the South China Sea and elsewhere in the Pacific.

Indonesia hosts the headquarters of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), whose members are struggling to deal with China's movement into disputed areas in the South China Sea, which is a major international shipping lane.

US military sales to Indonesia, however, were under scrutiny and delayed previously due to human rights concerns. But those issues were not mentioned in the State Department statement.

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