Ukraine Condemns Russia's 6th Warship Combat Exercise in the Black Sea

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Ukraine Condemns Russia's 6th Warship Combat Exercise in the Black Sea

Kyiv strongly condemns the combat drills of six Russian warships in the Black Sea, near the southern coast of Ukraine.

According to Kiev, Moscow's maneuvers make navigation in the Black and Sea of ​​Azov nearly impossible.

"Russia's actions demonstrate a blatant disregard for the rules and principles of international law," the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement Thursday.

He also added that Kiev will work closely with partner countries to prepare a response.

"The aggressive actions of the Russian Federation as part of a hybrid war against Ukraine are unacceptable," the ministry continued, as quoted by Al Jazeera.

Six Moscow warships arrived in the Black Sea in two waves, on Tuesday and Wednesday.

They then held combat drills amid tensions with the West over the Ukraine crisis.

Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has once again warned Moscow that an invasion of Ukraine would be disastrous for Russia, Ukraine and Europe, and would bring huge costs.

"Basically, a war in Ukraine will be disastrous for the Russian and Ukrainian people and for the security of Europe and together NATO has made clear that any attack on Ukraine will have grave consequences," Truss told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a visit. to Moscow.

Moscow has deployed hundreds of thousands of troops near the Ukrainian border, but denies having any plans to invade its neighbour.

Moscow insists the deployment of its troops near the border is legal because it is still on Russian soil.

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