Ukraine Accuses Russia of Conducting Naval Blockade on the Pretext of Warship Exercises?

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Ukraine Accuses Russia of Conducting Naval Blockade on the Pretext of Warship Exercises?

Ukraine accuses Russia of blocking its access to the sea as Russia prepares for naval exercises next week amid rising tensions in the region.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said the Sea of ​​Azov was completely blocked and the Black Sea was almost completely cut off by Russian forces.

Russia has repeatedly denied plans to invade Ukraine despite deploying more than 100,000 troops on the border.

But the country has just started days of military exercises with neighboring Belarus.

Belarus is a close ally of Russia and has a long border with Ukraine.

Russian naval exercises will take place next week in two seas south of Ukraine, the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov. Russia has issued a coastal warning citing missile and cannon firing drills.

"The unprecedented area in which maneuvers will be carried out makes navigation in both seas practically impossible," the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov also tweeted that the international waters of both seas had been blocked by Russia.

Tensions have been high between Russia and Ukraine in the Black Sea and Sea of ​​Azov regions since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. In 2018, Russia seized three Ukrainian naval vessels.

The naval drills on the southern flank of Ukraine are in addition to the 10 days of military exercises currently underway in Belarus, in northern Ukraine.

Russia has also amassed tanks, artillery and tens of thousands of troops near its own border with Ukraine, but denies planning to attack. The United States and other Western countries have warned that an attack could come at any time.

The military exercise in Belarus known as Allied Resolve 2022 takes place near Belarus' border with Ukraine, which is a little over 1,000 km long. About 30,000 Russian troops are estimated to be involved.

There are fears that if Russia tries to invade Ukraine, the exercise will position the Russian military near the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, making attacks on the city easier.

Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko is a strong ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the two countries have created the so-called "United State" which includes economic and military integration.

Russia says its troops will return to their permanent base after the exercises end, but Ukraine and its Western allies have expressed concern.

"The accumulation of troops on the border is a psychological pressure from our neighbors," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Thursday.

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