Set Your Budget Ahead of Valentine's Day with These 5 Easy Tips

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Set Your Budget Ahead of Valentine's Day with These 5 Easy Tips

There are many reasons people don't want to celebrate Valentine's Day, mostly because of the budget, but we can arrange that, you know.

The existence of bloated expenses to buy various things that the partner wants when Valentine's Day arrives, becomes a worry in itself.

However, there are still many people who still force themselves to buy gifts to please their partner.

As a result, finances become out of control and you can't buy your other necessities. Even though no one said that Valentine's gifts had to be luxurious and expensive.

After all, it's a shame if you have to buy something expensive but it's not really useful. Try it, start setting your budget ahead of Valentine's Day by considering the tips below.

1. Create a Fund Limit

Create a Fund Limit

Valentine's Day is only celebrated once a year, but that doesn't mean you have to spend your monthly income for a gift.

Think things through wisely. Think again that you still have needs that you must fulfill. Not to mention there are bills and installments that must be paid regularly every month.

Not to mention if your child or nephew has a birthday, of course you are forced to set aside a budget for these purposes.

It's not really important, but for the sake of pleasing children and nephews, this is quite important to do.

To make it easier for you, make a financial plan table. It is important to remember that income and expenditure must be equal in number. And, don't forget to set aside some of your income for savings!

According to the table above, it is written as much as 20% for mutual fund savings and 10% for emergency fund savings.

While the budget for Valentine's gifts you can adjust to the needs of your partner.

In order not to be expensive, you can overcome this by making the gift using a DIY (Do It Yourself) technique.

If it turns out that what your partner needs is something more expensive, then you can use another way, namely saving. But, of course, you can't give it right on Valentine's Day because it takes more time to collect the money.

Well, as a temporary Valentine's gift, you can buy him chocolate.

2. Celebrate Another Day

Celebrate Another Day

Maybe Valentine's Day is the day your partner has been waiting for.

Where at this moment, you can spend a whole day together and give each other special gifts.

But, it turns out, celebrating Valentine's Day right on February 14 is not an effective thing.

Indeed, there are many promos offered before Valentine's Day, you can also buy various knick-knacks for gifts at lower prices.

But, right on Valentine's Day you will find it difficult to find a romantic place to eat, even places that are budget-friendly.

Why is it difficult?

Because usually most people have booked a place in the previous days. The situation also tends to be crowded and overcrowded.

It doesn't matter if you celebrate it on D+2 or even D+7 Valentine, this is actually an advantage.

You and your partner can easily find a budget-friendly hangout place without the hassle of crowding.

You also don't need to wait for a waiting list at the places to eat that you and your partner visit. You can also set your Valentine's budget more effectively.

3. Plan ahead of time

Plan ahead of time

The next way to set a Valentine's budget is to plan Valentine's Day celebrations a few weeks or months in advance.

So if you need more funds to buy a Valentine's gift, you can save even more. Especially if the price of the gift is quite expensive and luxurious.

For example, at this time your partner is in need of a new laptop because his old laptop is almost broken and your partner really needs it to support the effectiveness of his daily work.

As a loved one, surely you really want to give him a new laptop on Valentine's Day or on his birthday.

Then, what should you do? Of course saving. It's impossible to get a minimum of IDR 5 million (for a regular brand laptop) in a matter of days or weeks, right?

Well, therefore, plan ahead of time so that there is time to collect the money. Unless, you do have a lot of money that you make in a month.

Let's say Valentine's Day is still 7 months away, while you need Rp 6 million for a MacBook Air.

If it is calculated, you have to set aside your income of IDR 1 million every month until the 6th month.

So that in the last month, which is the 7th month, you only need to find and buy the product, then give it to your partner on February 14 on Valentine's Day.

Everything that is planned well, the end result will also be good.

Rarely does anyone fail in a plan, unless there are certain things that 'may' hinder it.

4. Take advantage of E-Commerce Discounts and Other Shopping Coupons

Take advantage of E-Commerce Discounts and Other Shopping Coupons

This is the time for you to take advantage of Valentine's Day to make yourself happy. Whether there is a partner or not, you can still celebrate it, really.

Ahead of Valentine's Day, or even on Valentine's Day, there are lots of promo offers in the form of discounts or rebates, as well as cashback.

Mostly, the promo looks interesting and very tempting.

You can find these attractive promos and discounts offline at stores or outlets scattered in malls, or online through e-commerce sites.

For those of you who want to buy something but don't have a lot of budget, take advantage of this moment that only exists once a year.

But remember, don't go crazy buying things you don't need.

Stay wise in managing your shopping budget even if you use shopping coupons and other Valentine's promo offers. Hmm, how do you do that?

  • Make the right choice
  • Make a shopping list
  • Don't just focus on the brand
  • Saving makes you have more money
  • This wise shopping habit can have a good impact on you, you know!

That way, you can still control your shopping appetite when lots of promos and discounts are hanging around you.

5. If you can't celebrate, you don't need to be forced

If you can't celebrate, you don't need to be forced

No one forbids Valentine's celebration, but no one forces you to have to celebrate Valentine's Day.

There are various reasons why many people don't want to celebrate Valentine's Day, such as being heartbroken, not having a partner, confused about who to give a Valentine's gift to, to the lack of a budget to buy a Valentine's gift.

No need to be dizzy! The solution is to not celebrate. As simple as that.

Giving gifts on Valentine's Day is just a habit, not a mandatory thing to do. So you don't have to worry too much because you can't celebrate.

After all, the best thing you really have to do is save money on Valentine's Day. By being frugal, you can also set aside some of the funds you have to invest.

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