Putin Insists on Demanding Security Guarantees to NATO

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Putin Insists on Demanding Security Guarantees to NATO

In an increasingly “volatile and tense” global diplomatic climate, Russia needs to accept legally binding security guarantees from the US-led NATO military bloc. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In a congratulatory statement published for Diplomatic Workers' Day, Putin also tasked Foreign Ministry employees with pursuing comprehensive guarantees of Russia's security from NATO.

The Russian president noted the growing tensions between Russia and the West, noting that additional and persistent efforts are needed from his government to ensure strategic stability and counter emerging threats and challenges.

"This especially includes our efforts to receive comprehensive and legally binding national security guarantees from the US and its NATO allies," the statement said.

The letter, which was directed by Russia's head of state to all the country's diplomats, also praised the foreign ministry's glorious record of loyal service to the Motherland.

Russia's diplomacy has been put to the test in recent months, in a climate of difficult relations with the US and other NATO members.

In December last year, Russia's Foreign Ministry published two draft agreements, one with the US and one with NATO, with a long list of Moscow's security demands.

These included the end of NATO's eastward expansion, the withdrawal of the alliance's weapons to 1997 positions, and the discontinuation of attack weapons near Russia's borders.

Last month, Moscow received replies from Washington and Brussels. According to Russia, the response ignored almost all of its demands related to national security.

The US has repeatedly stated that it would be willing to strike a deal with Russia, but has dubbed some of Moscow's ideas a "non-starter," noting that America would never agree to bar Ukraine from joining NATO, but would consider various reciprocal agreements. about missiles and the transparency of troop movements.

Speaking at the end of January, US State Department spokesman Ned Price revealed that the US would not make any concessions, but would agree to joint bilateral steps.

“They have to have a reciprocal basis, which means that Russia also has to do something that will help improve our security – our security posture,” he said.

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