Putin Flicks NATO: Peaceful and Defensive Alliance, but Invades Middle East

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Putin Flicks NATO: Peaceful and Defensive Alliance, but Invades Middle East

President Vladimir Putin poked fun at NATO, which claims it is a peaceful and defensive alliance to pacify Russia.

Putin then offered the example of the devastated Middle Eastern countries that were invaded by the alliance that declared itself a defensive organization.

According to the Russian President, several African and Asian countries have also been militarily intervened by NATO.

At a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron last Monday, Putin commented on the possibility of NATO expansion into Ukraine and Georgia, which Russia strongly opposes.

If it did happen, according to Putin, the expansion would present a threat to Russia's national security.

"I would like to note that they are trying to appease Russia, as before, on the grounds that NATO is a peaceful organization and a very defensive, very defensive alliance," Putin said, as quoted by Russia Today, Tuesday (8/2/2022).

“How much of that is actually true, many citizens can learn from experience. I remember Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and large-scale operations against Belgrade without the approval of the UN Security Council," he said

He also added, "That, of course, is an effort that is very far from what a peaceful organization would do," he explained.

Western officials have been warning for months that Russia could be planning an invasion of Ukraine.

However, Moscow has repeatedly denied this.

In December, Moscow sent a series of security proposals to US and NATO leaders seeking assurances that the alliance would not expand into Ukraine or Georgia, two countries that share borders with Russia.

In January, negotiators from both sides met several times in Europe to discuss de-escalation.

Documents leaked last week show that Western leaders have formally rejected restrictions on NATO's expansion, and Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg previously told reporters the bloc is a defensive alliance.

"We are not looking for confrontation," he said.

Moscow officials, however, stated that allowing Ukraine into NATO would increase the chances of war between Russia and the West.

Macron visited Putin in Moscow on Monday to discuss steps to reduce tensions, after the French leader claimed he had secured a promise that Russia would not escalate the situation around Ukraine.

"My goal is to freeze the game, to prevent escalation and open up new perspectives," Macron said. "This goal for me is fulfilled."

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