Provide 43.1 Billion USD Budget, Taiwan Will Improve Kang-Ding Class Frigate Quality

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Provide 43.1 Billion USD Budget, Taiwan Will Improve Kang-Ding Class Frigate Quality

Currently, the Taiwan Navy has provided a budget of 43.1 billion USD to upgrade the Kang-Ding Class frigate.

The upgrade of the Kang-Ding Class frigate will begin in 2022 with assistance from France.

Quoted from the page, improving the quality of the Kang-Ding Class frigate will involve experts from France.

Previously, the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST), Taiwan had asked to be the prime contractor for this change.

However, the Taiwanese Navy persisted in making changes in cooperation with France.

This is done in order to improve systems that have been developed by NCSIST, such as the TC-2N missile system (SAM).

Not only that, the improvement of the quality of the Kang-Ding Class frigate was also led by a retired senior officer of the French Navy.

He is famous for being an expert in technology and also understands about submarine technology.

Therefore, the Taiwan Navy has given full responsibility for the changes.

To improve the quality of this Kang-Ding Class frigate, there are 3 stages of the upgrade program.

In the first stage, the experts will evaluate and test the system of the ship. With the aim of evaluating in modifying.

It is known that Taiwan has purchased 6 new frigates based on the design of the French La Fayette in the 1990s.

The 6 Kang-Ding Class frigates include:

1. Kang-Ding (PFG-1202)

2. Xi Ning (PFG-1203)

3. Kun Ming (PFG-1205)

4. Di Hua (PFG-1206)

5. Wu Chang (PFG-1207)

6. Chen De (PFG-1208)

However, the Taiwanese Navy was unable to secure French-made weapons systems for the ship.

This of course makes the Taiwan Navy have to equip ships with weapons systems created by the United States and Taiwan.

Not only that, the RIM-72C has also previously received a lot of criticism and input. This is because the range of the ship is very short and inadequate for defense. Such as anti-missile defense on modern ships and aircraft.

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